Episode 161 | Reengaging Volunteers to Rebuild a Contagious Volunteer Culture: Jenni Catron and Jess Bealer

Posted by Jenni Catron on May 31, 2022 5:00:00 AM

Every human was born with the innate need to live on purpose, for a purpose and to belong. Perhaps then, the strongest narratives we need to be mindful in forming, in regards to our language when creating a contagious volunteer culture and reengaging volunteers, must help people connect the dots and see how consistently serving within the local church actually benefits them more than it does the organization. All of a sudden, the power of purpose and connection then turns small tasks into “Big Asks” - ultimately moving people from disengaged or consumers to contributors in something much larger than themselves. 

In this week's episode, Jenni and Jess Bealer have a conversation about post pandemic strategies for moving your teams from a mindset of imposition, when rebuilding a volunteer base, to creating a contagious volunteer culture that ministers to people while also moving them to owners within the organization. Jess has been leading children’s ministry for 21 years. Six of which were spent overseeing standards, systems, staffing and atmosphere for the children’s ministry of Elevation Church. She has overseen the launch of twenty locations, and is considered a specialist in multisite. Jess currently oversees the Family Ministry Services Division of Generis, an organization dedicated to helping churches see their mission accomplished. Jessica is a mother of five, published author and host of the Women’s Leadership Workshop podcast.


For a next step, we encourage you to connect with one of our trained and experienced 4Sight Group: Leadership Coaches. All leaders agree that the culture of your organization matters. But culture starts with you! Our aim is to equip you to lead through the overload that changes in organizational culture can bring. We have a proven track record of setting clients up for success as they transform their teams from disengaged to thriving, from divided to collaborative, and from toxic to trusting.


Books: Don’t Quit and Leadership Pipeline by Jess Bealer

Podcast: Women’s Leadership Workshop 

Podcast: “You’re Not Tired, You’re Fatigued” with Patrick Lencioni

Connect with Jess:





Topics: Purpose, Leadership, Culture, volunteers, serving, connection

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