
251 | 4 Essential Dimensions for Leading Yourself Well

Written by Jenni Catron | Apr 23, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Episode 251 | 4 Essential Dimensions for Leading Yourself Well


Recently, I've taken a hard look at my leadership journey and found a truth that reshaped my perspective: true leadership is not a quest for control, but an opportunity to serve! In today's episode,  I reflect on my recent speaking engagements and I reveal the crucial role a growth mindset plays in being an effective leader.  

We will look at the importance of spiritual disciplines, the importance of humility and the deep impact our influence can have on others, and focusing on the inner care leaders must practice. It's a confession of past ambitions mixed in with a newfound dedication to serving those we lead—a sacred duty I'm eager to share with you!

If you're ready to transform the way you guide and inspire, and if you aim to leave a positive ripple in your wake, then let this conversation be your catalyst. Join me as we examine what it means to lead not just with intention, but with a purposeful and caring heart.




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