Episode 178 | The 6 Be's of Communication with Jenni Catron and Trey McKnight
If everything rises and falls on leadership, leadership rises and falls on communication. Rarely do leaders intentionally communicate poorly; often they’re just moving so quickly they don’t take the time to think about what needs to be communicated to whom, and we underestimate how critical communication is to leading well. Every time the 4Sight team digs deep with an organization, communication is always at the core. For successful teams, communication fuels good culture, while struggling organizations often lack clarity in their communication.
In this week’s episode, Jenni is back with Trey McKnight to talk about 6 “Be’s” that can help leaders become better communicators. Jenni shares 3 simple questions all leaders can ask to improve communication, how to navigate the tension between over-communicating and under-communicating, and the importance of discerning the communication cascade to discover the most respectful way to communicate this to the right people at the right time.
If you have a question for Jenni, a “be” you use to help become a better communicator, or suggestions for the podcast, email it to: jenni@get4sight.com
Do you desire to be a more confident leader?
If this resonates with you, we would love to invite you to our 6 Traits of an Extraordinary Leader Training.
This leadership cohort, beginning October 5th, is a 6-week online, includes live training where we will gather for 75 minutes weekly to share the 6 Traits of Extraordinary Leadership.
Leadership can be frustrating when you feel ill-equipped to face the daily challenges of leading yourself and leading a team. This training is designed to equip you to not only navigate those challenges effectively, but learn how to lead yourself and others well.
Registration closes this week! Register today!
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