
Episode 162 | Cultures of Generosity: Connecting Purpose and Empowering People An Interview with Jim Sheppard

Written by Jenni Catron | Jun 7, 2022 10:00:00 AM

As leaders we have the important responsibility of creating cultures that move our teams and those whom we serve from living out of a scarcity mindset to one of abundance and generosity. A thriving and flourishing Culture of Generosity is an environment where relationship, connection, and transformation are critical to the how and why of operations. This takes intentional time and effort and requires both internal and external accountability from everyone within the organization. 

In this week's episode, Jenni and Jim Sheppard have a conversation about a key component in the development of culture and discuss how “The Great Resignation” has given us an opportunity to grow as leaders, invest in leadership development and be more intentional when it comes to legacy. Jim Sheppard is CEO & Principal of Generis, a consulting firm passionate about helping churches inspire and cultivate generosity through giving development, coaching, and strategy. For the last 27+ years, he has devoted his life to coaching pastors especially in navigating the resource limitations that restrict their ministry potential.

Organizations that reflect Cultures of Generosity have shifted their focus from “What can we build?” to “What can we leave behind?”. More than what we can simply glean from research, in order to affect our bottom line, we must also seek to understand through proper relationships if we want to have lasting impact that connects with and empowers the next generation. 




For a next step, we encourage you to connect with one of our trained and experienced 4Sight Group: Leadership Coaches. All leaders agree that the culture of your organization matters. But culture starts with you! Transform your team from disengaged to thriving, from divided to collaborative, and from toxic to trusting.



SAVE THE DATE: Culture Conference 2022 - Aug 11th

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