
254 | Leadership Lessons with Lindsey Epperly

Written by Jenni Catron | May 14, 2024 5:36:31 PM

254 | Leadership Lessons with Lindsey Epperly on Scaling Business and Balancing Life


Join Jenni Catron and her special guest, Lindsey Epperly, CEO of Jetset World Travel, as they discuss business and life. Lindsey shares her story of growing her empire from a one-person operation into a team of over 90 dedicated members, recently recognized as number 1,144 on the Inc. 5000 List of fastest growing companies. Inspired by navigating her industry’s greatest crisis while expecting her first child, a season she affectionately refers to as the “MBA I never wanted,” Lindsey is dedicated to fighting imposter syndrome and teaching others how to turn obstacles into opportunities.

This episode is for everyone and every leader at any stage! Whether you are fearing the risk letting go of something that you know you need to release in order to go on to the next level of leadership, or just finding yourself if a season of hardship and challenge,  listen in to what Lindsey Epperly has to say on this week's LeadCulture Podcast! 










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