229| Empowering Female Leadership: Breaking Barriers and Fostering Inclusivity in Ministry with Kadi Cole
Ever wondered about the challenges of championing female leaders, particularly in a ministry context? Today, we join hands with Kadi Cole, a leading light in the arena of leadership coaching, and author of best-selling books. Katie's journey from a small church in Montana to becoming a pillar of strength for budding female leaders is sure to ignite your passion for leadership.
The conversation takes an intriguing turn as we:
Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and it falls upon us to imbue our leadership development processes with diversity and inclusivity. We'll share practical steps men and women can take to unlock their leadership potential.
Looking for an opportunity to put this podcast into action? Registration is NOW open for our February 2024 Women in Leadership coaching group! Learn more & register at www.get4sight.com/womeninleadership.
Download Carey Nieuwhof's free guide for steps to engage your church around money and generosity. Visit engagegenerosity.com to get free and instant access.
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